Cable Location
The location of the field cabling is preferred to be at the top of the enclosure. Bring the cables through the wall at approximately 1900mm high AFL. The cables shall be brought through a hole with the maximum dimensions of 60mm high and and 450mm wide.
Step 1
Prepare enclosure for installation by removing all un-required parts, door frame, escutcheon, wall plate brackets.
Step 2
Drill 4 x mounting holes in rear of enclosure roughly 80x80mm from each corner

Step 3
Locate installation position for the enclosure ensuring the field wiring is located behind the flange of the enclosure
Step 4
Level the enclosure and mark the 4 x fixing positions

Step 5
Drill and install 4 x appropriate fixing plugs into wall
Step 6
Mount the enclosure with 4 x fixings ensuring it is level

Step 7
Knockout required cable entries, bush with supplied bushes and bring the cables into the enclosure. The cable are to be run around the outside of the enclosure behind the flange

Step 8
Re-install gear tray with 4 x screws

Step 9
Fit the BBNBNSB24SM – Mounting Kit over the top of the enclosure and push back so it is flush with the wall

Step 10 – Optional
Separate the door from the door frame by removing the three pins from the hinges

Step 11
Fit and push back the door frame so it is flush with the surface mount trim kit. This door frame will pin and hold the trim kit back against the wall.
Secure it with self drilling screws in the pilot holes.

Step 12
Fit the door, using the three hinge pins as removed in step 10.